AT&T Data Breach: Millions of Passcodes Reset

Anne-Sophie Dupont
1 min read

AT&T is facing a significant data breach, with a massive cache of customer data, including Social Security numbers and encrypted passcodes, being dumped online. This has led to the reset of millions of customer account passcodes. The leaked data, which could potentially provide access to customer accounts, was brought to light by a security researcher. AT&T has launched a thorough investigation into the breach, involving both internal and external cybersecurity experts. Despite the breach appearing to stem from 2019 or earlier, it has affected around 7.6 million current account holders and approximately 65.4 million former account holders. Furthermore, it has been highlighted that this breach resembles a similar incident from 2021, which AT&T had not previously acknowledged. Cybersecurity expert Troy Hunt warns that the company could face legal action if it is found to have mishandled the situation or failed to promptly notify affected customers. In response, AT&T has advised customers to monitor their account activity, check credit reports, and set up free fraud alerts. This breach underscores the ongoing challenges in safeguarding sensitive customer information and emphasizes the importance of robust cybersecurity measures in the telecom industry.

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