Revolutionizing the Road: The Rise of End-to-End AI in Autonomous Driving

Revolutionizing the Road: The Rise of End-to-End AI in Autonomous Driving

Lian Wei Kang
2 min read

Revolutionizing the Road: The Rise of End-to-End AI in Autonomous Driving

Autonomous driving technology is entering a new phase with the adoption of "end-to-end" large models, which mark a departure from the traditional rule-based programming approach. Starting in 2024, only a select few automakers are expected to achieve true high-level autonomous driving. This sentiment was recently echoed by He Xiaopeng, Chairman of XPeng Motors, during a presentation on AI intelligent driving technology.

As of 2024, the state-of-the-art in autonomous driving technology includes advanced systems integrating lidar, radar, and camera sensors for comprehensive environmental perception. Leading-edge vehicles, like those from Waymo, utilize high-resolution lidar for 3D mapping, long-range radar for object detection in various weather conditions, and advanced cameras for detailed visual information. The industry is moving towards Level 4 autonomy, with significant investments in machine learning, especially in end-to-end ML models. These models map sensory inputs directly to control actions, offering a unified architecture that simplifies the system and adapts to different driving conditions. Despite their promise, challenges like data requirements, interpretability, and safety concerns persist, making widespread adoption challenging. While traditional modular systems remain popular for their transparency, end-to-end models are a promising research area, potentially shaping the future of autonomous driving.

Key Takeaways

  • Autonomous driving technology is transitioning to "end-to-end" large models, revolutionizing traditional development paths.
  • From 2024, only a few manufacturers are expected to achieve high-level autonomous driving.
  • He Xiaopeng, Chairman of XPeng Motors, predicts industry trends.
  • "End-to-end" technology allows AI to produce results directly from raw data.
  • Tesla leads in this technological route, closely followed by domestic industry players.


The "end-to-end" large model in autonomous driving technology is poised to reshape the industry, significantly impacting tech leaders like Tesla and XPeng. In the short term, these companies may experience market share growth, while traditional automakers must accelerate their technological transformation. In the long run, technological barriers may lead to increased market concentration, affecting supply chains and employment. Investors should pay attention to relevant tech stocks, particularly those with significant advancements in AI and deep learning.

Did You Know?

  • "End-to-End" Large Model: This deep learning technology allows AI systems to process raw input data (such as sensor data) directly into final outputs (such as vehicle control signals) without traditional rule-based intermediate steps. These models typically use deep neural networks to learn complex mappings, enabling more efficient and flexible decision-making processes in fields like autonomous driving.
  • High-Level Autonomous Driving: This refers to highly automated driving systems capable of performing all driving tasks without human intervention, including navigation and decision-making in complex traffic environments. This level of autonomy requires high reliability and safety, involving advanced sensor technology, complex algorithms, and substantial computational power.
  • Deep Learning: A branch of machine learning that involves constructing multi-layer neural networks to simulate how the human brain processes information. These networks can learn features and patterns from large amounts of data, making them suitable for applications like image recognition, speech processing, and natural language understanding. In autonomous driving, deep learning enables vehicles to make near-human-level driving decisions by learning from extensive driving data.

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