China's High-Tech Sector Driving Economic Growth: Bloomberg
China’s high-tech sector is projected to have a substantial impact on the economy, with forecasts suggesting that its influence could match that of the real estate sector by 2026. According to Bloomberg Economics, the sector's growth potential is highlighted, and it is expected to drive demand worth nearly 19% of GDP by 2026, marking a significant increase from last year. It is estimated that the sector's contribution could be on par with the property sector. This indicates a shift in the driving forces of China's economic growth, with the high-tech sector emerging as a potent player in the country's economic landscape. The increasing demand for goods and services in the high-tech sector is a telling sign of its growing influence on the world's second-largest economy, as reported by Bloomberg Economics. This projection underscores the potential for the high-tech sector to become a major source of growth, signaling a transformative phase in China's economic development.