China's NEA Drafts New Policy to Enhance Natural Gas Efficiency

China's NEA Drafts New Policy to Enhance Natural Gas Efficiency

Yuan Wei-Ling
2 min read

China's National Energy Administration Adopts Policy to Enhance Natural Gas Sector Efficiency

China's National Energy Administration (NEA) has implemented a new draft policy aimed at enhancing the efficiency of the country's natural gas sector while also ensuring supply security. The primary objective is to aid China in achieving its 2060 carbon-neutral target and to steer clear of price disturbances similar to those witnessed during the conflict in Ukraine. The revisions made to the 2012 policy are a responsive measure to the evolving landscape of natural gas consumption. They continue to prioritize essential users, including households and medical facilities, by affording them tax and financial backing. Nevertheless, the new policy will impose limitations on gas-based manufacturing of methanol and other petrochemicals, becoming effective from August 1. The adoption of this policy represents a strategic step in line with global trends towards more sustainable and efficient energy solutions.

Key Takeaways

  • China's National Energy Administration adopts policy to improve natural gas sector efficiency and ensure supply security.
  • Policy aims to help China reach its 2060 carbon-neutral goal and prevent price shocks like last year's spike due to the Ukraine war.
  • Revisions reflect changes in natural gas usage since the 2012 policy, including increased demand for clean energy heating.
  • Households, industrial consumers, and priority users like hospitals and schools will continue to receive tax and financing support.
  • Gas-based manufacturing of methanol and other petrochemicals will be restricted under the new policy, effective Aug 1.


The implementation of the NEA's new policy signifies a targeted approach towards optimizing the efficiency and security of the natural gas sector, thereby lending support to China's commitment to achieving carbon neutrality by 2060 and mitigating energy crises similar to those arising from the conflict in Ukraine. This strategic move underscores the escalating demand for clean energy, particularly for heating purposes. Critical users such as households, hospitals, and educational institutions will persist in receiving tax and financing advantages. Conversely, the limitations on gas-based manufacturing could potentially prompt Chinese petrochemical manufacturers to pivot towards renewable energy sources. While a short-term impact may include temporary supply disruptions within affected industries, the long-term implications could stimulate innovation and sustainability within China's energy sector, aligning with the global shift towards more eco-friendly and effective energy solutions.

Did You Know?

  • Natural Gas Sector Efficiency: This pertains to the optimization of natural gas production, transportation, distribution, and consumption to minimize energy wastage and costs, achieved through various methods such as infrastructure upgrades, technological advancements, and enhanced operational management.
  • Carbon-Neutral Goal: A target set to reduce or offset greenhouse gas emissions, striving for a net-zero carbon footprint. China aims to achieve carbon neutrality by 2060, indicating its intention to balance carbon emissions with removal or offsetting measures.
  • Gas-Based Manufacturing of Methanol and Other Petrochemicals: This involves the production of methanol and other petrochemicals using natural gas as a feedstock. Methanol, a versatile chemical utilized in diverse industries such as transportation, construction, and electronics, may experience an impact on its supply and pricing as a result of the restrictions imposed, potentially influencing China's natural gas consumption and carbon emissions.

This news highlights a significant stride by the NEA towards fortifying China's energy landscape and aligning with global sustainability initiatives, reinforcing the commitment to a greener future.

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