In a recent development in the crypto space, Mishaboar, a developer associated with Dogecoin, has issued a cautionary alert regarding a Telegram bot linked to trading cryptocurrencies. The alert specifically addresses concerns surrounding an exploit affecting BonkBot, a bot utilized for purchasing tokens on the Solana blockchain. Mishaboar warns users about potential risks associated with using popular Telegram bots for trading meme tokens and advises them to exercise caution and withdraw funds from these bots until the issue is resolved. The urgency of the warning is emphasized by the staggering trading volumes observed on these bots, with transactions reaching up to $700 million in a single day. However, the BonkBot team has reassured users of the bot's safety, asserting that the reported exploits are not originating from BonkBot itself but rather from elsewhere in the ecosystem. According to the BonkBot team, user accounts that have experienced fund depletion had previously exported their private keys, and they emphasize that funds of users who have not exported their keys remain secure.