Epic Systems Moves Clients to TEFCA Platform

Epic Systems Moves Clients to TEFCA Platform

Marina Chen
4 min read

Epic Systems Announces Transition to TEFCA for Streamlined Medical Data Exchange

Epic Systems, a leading health-care software company, has revealed its intention to migrate all its clients to the Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement (TEFCA) by the conclusion of 2025. This move comes after the launch of TEFCA in December, which is aimed at establishing a secure platform for the exchange of patient data across diverse healthcare providers. With Epic holding the records of over 280 million individuals in the U.S., this transition is expected to simplify the intricate process of sharing medical records among various hospitals and clinics.

The significance of this transition lies in the fragmented nature of medical record storage that currently involves multiple vendors and formats. Epic's commitment to TEFCA is poised to enhance the credibility of the exchange, given the company's extensive reach and 45-year market presence. Additionally, Carequality, an interoperability network incorporating Epic as a member, is aligning with TEFCA, after facing controversy earlier this year over inappropriate record requests, prompting a revision of its policies to better align with TEFCA's standards.

Epic's support for Carequality’s efforts to harmonize with TEFCA and its dedication to assisting its customers during the transition to TEFCA signifies a significant step towards unifying the healthcare data exchange landscape and building trust among all stakeholders.

This initiative is seen as essential for improving care coordination, particularly as the healthcare system increasingly emphasizes value-based care and public health objectives.

However, there are concerns from industry observers about the challenges that could arise from Epic's dominant position. Some experts worry that Epic's involvement as a Qualified Health Information Network (QHIN) might complicate efforts to ensure diverse participation across the healthcare system. Smaller providers and those not using Epic's systems may find it harder to integrate into the TEFCA framework, which could perpetuate existing disparities in data sharing capabilities.

On a broader scale, the TEFCA initiative is being hailed as a milestone in the healthcare industry's long journey toward true interoperability. Federal officials, including the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), have emphasized the importance of collaboration between public and private entities to ensure the success of TEFCA. The Sequoia Project, responsible for overseeing the framework, continues to push for more widespread adoption, encouraging providers, payers, and app developers to join the effort.

Key Takeaways

  • Epic Systems plans to migrate all its customers to TEFCA, a government-backed medical records exchange, by the end of 2025.
  • TEFCA, launched in December, aims to provide a secure platform for sharing patient data across different healthcare providers.
  • Epic holds records for over 280 million individuals in the U.S., across multiple vendors, reflecting the fragmented nature of current medical record storage.
  • Carequality, an interoperability network including Epic, is aligning with TEFCA to enhance data exchange, addressing past controversies and fostering broader industry trust.
  • TEFCA could potentially bring the remaining 30% of U.S. hospitals into secure data exchange networks, further solidifying its impact.


Epic Systems' transition to TEFCA aims to unify fragmented medical record systems, benefiting healthcare providers and patients by enhancing data security and accessibility. This move exerts pressure on competitors to adapt or risk obsolescence, impacting software vendors and the healthcare IT sectors. While short-term challenges include system integration and compliance with TEFCA's standards, the long-term benefits encompass improved patient care and reduced administrative costs. Furthermore, alignment with TEFCA bolsters Carequality's credibility, addressing past controversies and promoting broader industry trust.

Did You Know?

  • TEFCA (Trusted Exchange Framework and Common Agreement):
  • TEFCA is a government-backed initiative designed to create a standardized and secure framework for the exchange of electronic health records (EHRs) among different healthcare providers in the United States. Launched by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC), TEFCA seeks to address the challenges of interoperability and data sharing in the healthcare sector, historically fragmented due to the use of various vendors and formats.
  • Carequality:
  • Carequality is an interoperability framework that facilitates the secure and seamless exchange of health data among various healthcare organizations, including hospitals, clinics, and other care providers. It includes Epic Systems as a member and connects over 70% of hospitals in the U.S. Recently, Carequality has faced scrutiny over issues like inappropriate record requests, prompting a revision of its policies to better align with TEFCA's standards and enhance data exchange practices.
  • Interoperability in Healthcare:
  • Interoperability in healthcare denotes the ability of different information technology systems and software applications to communicate, exchange data accurately, efficiently, and consistently, and to use the data that has been exchanged. This concept is vital for enhancing patient care and reducing medical errors by ensuring that healthcare providers have access to comprehensive and up-to-date patient information, regardless of where the care is delivered. TEFCA and Carequality represent significant steps towards achieving high levels of interoperability in the U.S. healthcare system.

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