Fleetcor Technologies, a significant player in the payments-systems industry, is poised to facilitate digital payments for electric-vehicle (EV) charging. As the world rushes to build EV-charging infrastructure to support the mainstream adoption of EVs, Fleetcor is prepared to handle the payment for kilowatt hours, a crucial aspect in the EV ecosystem. Tom Panther, Fleetcor's CFO, emphasized that the hindrance to EV adoption lies in infrastructure and consumer-demand anxiety. However, Fleetcor has readied itself to adapt to the EV 'revolution,' remaining agnostic to fuel sources and focusing on facilitating secure transactions in an evolving market. Panther highlighted the company's readiness to engage with new entrants in the EV market, such as charge-point operators, by leveraging its established capabilities and digital apps. With a global presence and extensive clientele, Fleetcor stands at the forefront of digital payment innovations, positioning itself for the forthcoming changes in the mobility landscape.