JD.com Shatters Records with AI-Powered Sales Surge During 6.18 Festival Amid Economic Downturn

JD.com Shatters Records with AI-Powered Sales Surge During 6.18 Festival Amid Economic Downturn

Sofia Delgado-Cheng
3 min read

JD.com Sets New GMV and Order Records Using AI During 6.18 Shopping Festival Amid Economic Downturn

In the midst of an economic downturn and turmoil in the retail industry, JD.com has broken records in Gross Merchandise Volume (GMV) and order amounts during China's 6.18 shopping festival. The event saw more than 5 billion users placing orders, highlighting JD.com's ability to drive consumer engagement and sales through innovative use of artificial intelligence (AI).

On June 18, JD.com concluded its annual 6.18 shopping festival, achieving unprecedented success. The company reported that over 5 billion users placed orders, with 83 brands surpassing 1 billion yuan in total sales. Additionally, more than 150,000 small and medium-sized businesses saw sales growth exceeding 50%. This remarkable performance is attributed to JD.com's strategic use of AI technology, which has been integrated into their operations since the establishment of their AI research institute in 2017.

The event also featured a significant boost in JD.com’s live-streaming sector. Orders through JD.com's live streams increased by over 200%, with live stream durations surpassing 400,000 hours and interaction counts exceeding 5 million. The AI-driven digital human service, which costs only 10% of a human host, played a crucial role in enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of these live streams.

Key Takeaways

  1. Record-breaking Engagement and Sales: JD.com reported unprecedented GMV and order amounts during the 6.18 shopping festival, driven by AI integration.
  2. AI-Driven Efficiency: The use of AI, particularly digital human services, significantly reduced costs and improved live stream conversion rates by over 30%.
  3. Support for SMEs: The festival provided a substantial boost to small and medium-sized enterprises, with many seeing sales growth above 50%.
  4. Geographical Highlights: Guangdong emerged as the province with the highest consumer power, while Tibet saw the fastest growth in consumer power.
  5. New Product Launch: JD.com also introduced the Apple Vision Pro application, enhancing the shopping experience for consumers.


The success of JD.com’s 6.18 shopping festival amidst economic challenges underscores the transformative power of AI in the retail sector. The company's AI research institute, established in 2017, has developed technologies that streamline internal processes and empower merchants to drive business growth. This year, over 5,000 brands utilized JD.com’s digital human services, contributing nearly 100 billion yuan to the GMV.

The economic downturn, characterized by rising living costs and significant layoffs, has led consumers to be more cautious with their spending. Despite this, JD.com’s strategic use of AI and innovative sales tactics have managed to capture and sustain consumer interest. By offering extensive discounts and integrating AI-driven interactions, JD.com has provided a compelling shopping experience that resonates with consumers’ current needs.

Furthermore, the shift from traditional influencers to corporate executives and digital humans in live streaming marks a significant paradigm change. Notable figures such as Lei Jun, founder of Xiaomi, and Zhou Hongyi, founder of 360, have taken to live streaming, leveraging their personal brands to drive sales. This approach not only diversifies the content but also builds deeper consumer trust through detailed product insights and brand storytelling.

Did You Know?

  • AI Cost Efficiency: JD.com’s digital human service operates at just 10% of the cost of a human host, making it a highly cost-effective solution for live streaming.
  • Geographic Insights: Guangdong Province led in consumer power during the 6.18 festival, while Tibet recorded the fastest growth, showcasing the regional diversity in consumer behavior.
  • Record Engagement: The collaboration between JD.com and Hunan TV for the "618 Happy Night" event generated over 397 billion user interactions, illustrating the power of cross-platform engagement.
  • Strategic Discounts: JD.com’s strategic implementation of substantial discounts and incentives, such as the "9.9 Free Shipping" offer, resulted in order growth exceeding 100 times for certain categories.

In conclusion, JD.com’s innovative use of AI has not only set new records but also demonstrated the potential for technology to reshape the retail landscape, even in challenging economic times. The success of the 6.18 shopping festival provides a roadmap for how other retailers might leverage AI to drive growth and engage consumers in the future.

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