Linx: Tel Aviv Startup Raises $33M for Identity Management

Linx: Tel Aviv Startup Raises $33M for Identity Management

Emilia Santos
2 min read

Linx: Tel Aviv-Based Security Startup Raises $33 Million to Revolutionize Identity Management with AI

Linx, a Tel Aviv-based security startup, has stepped out of stealth mode armed with $33 million in funding. Founded by Israel Duanis and Niv Goldenberg, both with extensive cybersecurity experience, Linx harnesses AI and analytics to combat the escalating challenge of unregulated identity information within businesses. Notably, the co-founders, who honed their expertise in the Israeli army's 8200 cyber unit, bring a unique blend of skills from notable companies like Checkpoint Software and Microsoft.

The funding comprises a $27 million round co-led by Index Ventures and Cyberstarts, alongside an initial $6 million round led by Cyberstarts. Renowned investors such as Mickey Boodaei, Rakesh Loonkar, and Assaf Rappaport have also backed the startup. Linx's innovative technology centers on scanning and connecting all identities within an organization to active employees, while swiftly eliminating inactive ones. This proactive approach serves as a bulwark against the accumulation of unregulated identity information, a vulnerability exploited by cyber attackers.

Key Takeaways

  • Linx, a Tel Aviv-based security startup, raises $33 million to tackle identity management using AI.
  • Funding includes a $27 million round co-led by Index Ventures and Cyberstarts, plus a previous $6 million round.
  • Linx focuses on eliminating "ungoverned identity information" to prevent security breaches.
  • The startup uses AI to quickly identify and remove unused identities, enhancing security and efficiency.
  • Linx's approach aims to transform identity management, reducing the time to address issues from months to hours.### Analysis

Linx's formidable $33 million funding underscores the urgent necessity for advanced identity management solutions. Their AI-centric strategy, targeting unregulated identity information, directly confronts the vulnerabilities exploited in major breaches. This development profoundly impacts cybersecurity firms, financial institutions, and technology companies reliant on robust identity systems. In the short term, Linx's technology bolsters security posture and compliance; in the long term, it has the potential to reshape identity management standards, mitigating breach risks and operational inefficiencies. Index Ventures and Cyberstarts, as key investors, stand to reap the benefits of Linx's potential market leadership in this evolving sector.

Did You Know?

  • Stealth Mode:
    • Stealth mode denotes the period during which a company operates discreetly, often preceding the launch of a product or service. This approach enables startups to refine their offerings without premature public scrutiny, enhancing their competitiveness upon market entry.
  • Unguided Identity Information:
    • Unguided identity information encompasses outdated digital identities within an organization, posing substantial security risks. Linx's utilization of AI to detect and eliminate these dormant identities fortifies organizational security against potential breaches.
  • Cyberstarts:
    • Cyberstarts, a venture capital firm specializing in early-stage cybersecurity startups, substantiates its commitment to pioneering cybersecurity solutions by co-leading Linx's $27 million funding round. This decision underscores the growing prominence of cybersecurity in the digital era and the demand for cutting-edge technologies to address emerging threats.

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