Lola Cars, a renowned racing brand, is teaming up with Yamaha Motor Co. to venture into the Formula E series, starting with Season 11 in 2025. The agreement includes Yamaha's development and supply of the powertrain for Lola's participation in the all-electric global racing series. Established in 1958, Lola has a rich history in auto racing, and their entry into Formula E signifies a strategic move to reinforce their position in motorsport design and engineering. The partnership aims to focus on sustainable motorsport through electrification, hydrogen, and sustainable fuels and materials. Mark Preston, Motorsport Director for Lola Cars, emphasizes the opportunity for technological development and the creation of a unique electrified platform with a software focus. Heiji Maruyama, Managing Executive Officer and Director for Yamaha Motor Co., expresses their commitment to acquiring advanced energy management technologies through Formula E. Details about the team, including drivers and team principal, are yet to be revealed. The collaboration underlines the shared philosophy of sustainable motorsport between Lola and Yamaha. With a focus on technological development and efficient electric powertrain, Lola and Yamaha's entry into Formula E signifies exciting applications across international motorsport. Lola Cars Chairman, Till Bechtolsheimer, emphasizes the strategic focus on technological development and expresses enthusiasm for the collaboration with Yamaha. The partnership reflects their shared vision for the future of motorsport technology. This move is set to captivate motorsport enthusiasts and professionals as Lola and Yamaha gear up for their Formula E debut.