Microsoft Partners with StopNCII to Remove Deepfakes from Bing

Microsoft Partners with StopNCII to Remove Deepfakes from Bing

Anya Petrovich
5 min read

Microsoft’s Collaboration with StopNCII: A Major Step Toward Combatting Non-Consensual Intimate Images and Deepfakes

Microsoft has recently partnered with StopNCII to combat the growing issue of non-consensual intimate images (NCII), including AI-generated deepfakes. This partnership is part of a broader effort to address the spread of harmful content on the internet, which has been exacerbated by advances in artificial intelligence. By using StopNCII’s advanced technology, Microsoft is taking proactive steps to prevent such content from appearing in Bing search results, enhancing online safety for victims of online exploitation.

How the Partnership Works

StopNCII’s primary contribution to this effort is its digital fingerprinting technology, which allows individuals to create hashes of intimate images without needing to upload the actual files. These digital fingerprints are shared with participating companies such as Meta, TikTok, Bumble, and Reddit. The fingerprints help these platforms identify and remove the corresponding content across their services, effectively preventing its spread.

This method is particularly effective because it protects the privacy of the victims while simultaneously ensuring that their intimate images cannot be found or shared without consent. The process also provides a means for reporting these images directly, making it easier for victims to take action against NCII.

Google’s Independent Approach

While Microsoft has embraced a collaborative model by partnering with StopNCII, Google has opted not to join this initiative. Instead, Google continues to use its own reporting tools to handle cases of NCII, including deepfakes. Victims can report images directly to Google for removal. This decision marks a significant divergence in approaches between two tech giants: while Microsoft leans towards industry collaboration, Google prefers to manage the issue in-house.

This distinction has raised questions among industry experts, particularly as the problem of AI-driven deepfakes becomes more prevalent. However, victims still have avenues to report NCII and deepfakes, regardless of which platform they are engaging with. Notably, minors can report incidents through NCMEC (National Center for Missing & Exploited Children), offering a specialized reporting process for younger victims.

Legislative Support and the Role of AI in Online Exploitation

This initiative by Microsoft aligns with broader governmental efforts to address online harms, especially those involving AI-generated content. The U.S. government is working on new legislative measures, including the NO FAKES Act, which aims to curb the spread of deepfakes and other synthetic media used for malicious purposes. The NO FAKES Act represents a recognition of the significant threat posed by AI technologies that can create lifelike but harmful content.

Microsoft’s partnership with StopNCII is seen as a complementary action to these legislative moves, reinforcing the importance of tech industry collaboration in tackling online exploitation. The rise of deepfakes, which are more sophisticated and harder to detect than traditional NCII, has made it essential for companies to adopt cutting-edge tools that can keep up with evolving threats. In this context, Microsoft's integration of StopNCII’s hashing technology is regarded as a crucial step forward.

The Ongoing Challenge of Deepfake Detection

While this partnership is a positive development, experts emphasize the ongoing challenges in effectively addressing deepfakes. Unlike traditional NCII, deepfakes are AI-generated and can often evade detection tools such as PhotoDNA, which was originally designed to identify child exploitation material. Deepfakes are more complex, as they often blend synthetic elements with real images, making it difficult for conventional detection systems to flag them.

As a result, tech companies are under increasing pressure to continually innovate detection technologies and align policies to tackle this emerging threat. The collaborative model embraced by Microsoft and other platforms is viewed as a step in the right direction, but the battle against deepfakes will likely require continuous policy updates, technological advancements, and cooperation between governments and tech firms.


Microsoft’s partnership with StopNCII marks a pivotal moment in the fight against non-consensual intimate images and AI-driven deepfakes. By leveraging digital fingerprinting technology, Microsoft is helping to protect victims and prevent harmful content from proliferating across its platforms and the broader internet. While Google has chosen to tackle NCII independently, this collaboration sets an important precedent for industry cooperation in the digital age. As AI continues to evolve, partnerships like this, combined with legislative efforts such as the NO FAKES Act, are crucial in safeguarding individuals from exploitation in an increasingly complex online landscape.

Key Takeaways

  • Microsoft joins forces with StopNCII to eliminate non-consensual intimate images from Bing search results.
  • StopNCII employs digital fingerprints to identify and remove intimate images across various platforms.
  • Leading tech companies like Meta, TikTok, and Bumble unite with StopNCII to combat non-consensual image sharing.
  • Google operates independently, utilizing its own tools for reporting non-consensual images.
  • The US government advocates for fresh legislation to tackle deepfake-related privacy concerns.


The collaboration between Microsoft and StopNCII seeks to curb the dissemination of non-consensual intimate images, impacting major tech players like Meta, TikTok, and Bumble. Google's absence from the partnership may fragment efforts, potentially weakening the effectiveness of this initiative. While victims benefit from a more streamlined reporting process in the short term, the long-term success of this endeavor hinges on broader industry adoption and legislative backing. The US government's advocacy for the NO FAKES Act underscores the urgency, but its actual impact will rely on enforcement and global cooperation. Consequently, financial instruments linked to tech stocks may experience volatility as public sentiment evolves.

Did You Know?

  • StopNCII: Stop Non-Consensual Intimate Images (StopNCII) is an initiative aimed at combating the proliferation of non-consensual intimate images, including deepfakes, across the internet. It operates by creating digital fingerprints (hashes) of reported images without needing the actual files, which are then shared with participating companies to remove matching content. This collaborative approach facilitates the swift identification and removal of harmful content from multiple platforms simultaneously.
  • Digital Fingerprint (Hash): In the context of StopNCII, a digital fingerprint (hash) is a unique identifier created from an image file. This hash is generated without storing the actual image, ensuring privacy and security. By sharing these hashes with participating companies, StopNCII can identify and remove non-consensual intimate images across various platforms, even if the images are slightly modified or hosted on different sites.
  • NO FAKES Act: The NO FAKES Act is proposed legislation in the United States aimed at addressing the spread of deepfakes and other non-consensual intimate images. The act aims to establish new regulations and penalties to combat the creation and distribution of such content, reflecting growing concerns over the misuse of technology to violate privacy and perpetrate harm.

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