Rumors suggest that Motorola is preparing to launch the Motorola Edge 50 Ultra, as leaked images and key specs have surfaced. The Ultra model is expected to feature a triple-lens rear camera setup with a periscope zoom lens offering 5x optical zoom. This setup is rumored to include sensors with 50-megapixel resolution, promising impressive photo capabilities. The leaked information also reveals three color options for the phone: Black, Sisai (light beige), and Peach Fuzz, the Pantone Color of the Year. Additionally, the upcoming phone's design is anticipated to receive notable refinements while retaining high-level specifications at a competitive price point, a hallmark of Motorola's flagship offerings. Motorola has announced an upcoming launch event on April 3, hinting at the imminent official unveiling of these new smartphones. With the expectation of regional naming variations and global availability, tech enthusiasts are eagerly awaiting further updates. The Motorola Edge 30 Ultra, released in 2022, provides a preview of Motorola's commitment to delivering top-tier features in the smartphone market. As we anticipate the launch of the Edge 50 Ultra, tech enthusiasts are looking forward to experiencing the advancements and innovations that Motorola is set to unveil.