REA Group's $7.32B Takeover Bid for Rightmove Rejected

REA Group's $7.32B Takeover Bid for Rightmove Rejected

Alejandro Fernandez
2 min read

REA Group's £5.6 Billion Takeover Offer Rejected by Rightmove

Australian property listing giant REA Group, mainly owned by Rupert Murdoch's News Corp, faced a setback as its £5.6 billion cash-and-stock bid for Britain's leading real estate portal, Rightmove, was turned down. The offer, which comprised 305 pence in cash and 0.0381 new REA shares per Rightmove share, represented a 27% premium over Rightmove's closing price on August 30. Consequently, REA Group's shares experienced a 1.25% decline upon the announcement.

Rightmove refrained from providing a rationale for the rejection, with no response offered during UK business hours. Analysts speculate that a successful deal could have propelled REA's expansion in lucrative international markets, given that the British housing market is three times the size of Australia's. While REA has not ruled out the pursuit of a direct deal with Rightmove shareholders or a potential enhancement of the offer, any increment in the cash component might necessitate a capital raise. Irrespective of the outcome, REA intends to seek a secondary listing in London to broaden its investor base.

Key Takeaways

  • Rightmove dismisses REA Group's £5.6 billion takeover bid.
  • REA Group's shares decline by 1.25% in response to the rejection.
  • The British housing market dwarfs that of Australia, lending significance to the potential deal.
  • REA Group's offer of 705 pence per Rightmove share represents a 27% premium.
  • REA's plan for a secondary listing in London remains on track regardless of the deal's fate.


The rejection of REA Group's bid likely reflects strategic considerations within Rightmove, which could pertain to the preservation of autonomy or disparities in valuation. In the short term, uncertainty among investors is mirrored in the decline of REA's share price, while Rightmove may experience a temporary upturn. In the long run, REA's pursuit of a London listing seeks to diversify its investor base and bolster its global presence, potentially laying the groundwork for future mergers and acquisitions. Moreover, Rightmove's decision could influence the valuation and M&A strategies of other real estate technology firms, particularly in Europe.

Did You Know?

  • Secondary Listing: A secondary listing is the process by which a company lists its shares on a stock exchange other than its primary one. REA Group's intent to secure a secondary listing in London is geared towards expanding its investor base. This strategic move allows companies to diversify their shareholder pool and potentially enhance liquidity and access to capital.

  • Cash-and-Stock Takeover Offer: This type of acquisition proposal involves the acquirer offering a combination of cash and its own shares to the target company's shareholders. In this instance, REA Group proposed a deal comprising 305 pence in cash and 0.0381 new REA shares per Rightmove share. Such offers are appealing to target shareholders as they provide immediate liquidity (cash) and potential future value (shares).

  • Takeover Offer Premium: The premium in a takeover proposal refers to the additional amount offered by the acquiring company above the target company's current market share price. REA Group's offer for Rightmove included a 27% premium over the latter's closing price on August 30. This premium is aimed at enhancing the appeal of the offer to shareholders and increasing the likelihood of its acceptance.

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