Remedy Entertainment and Annapurna Pictures Partner for Control 2 and Multi-Media Expansion

Remedy Entertainment and Annapurna Pictures Partner for Control 2 and Multi-Media Expansion

Emma Delgado
2 min read

Remedy Entertainment Partners with Annapurna Pictures for Control Sequel and Cross-Media Expansion

Remedy Entertainment has announced a collaboration with Annapurna Pictures to produce the much-anticipated sequel to their hit game, Control, while also exploring potential film and TV adaptations. This partnership will see Annapurna funding half of the development costs for Control 2 and acquiring options for audiovisual licensing rights for both Control and Alan Wake, with Remedy retaining full intellectual property (IP) rights for these games as they concentrate on game development. The collaboration reflects the industry's growing trend of cross-media storytelling, emphasizing the seamless integration of gaming, film, and television.

Key Takeaways

  • Remedy forms partnership with Annapurna for funding the development of Control 2.
  • Annapurna secures options for potential film and TV adaptations of Control and Alan Wake.
  • Retention of complete IP rights for both Control and Alan Wake by Remedy.
  • Potential expansion of Control and Alan Wake into varying entertainment mediums.
  • Emphasis on integrating gaming, film, and television in storytelling by Annapurna CEO Megan Ellison.


The collaboration between Remedy Entertainment and Annapurna Pictures has the potential to significantly enhance the market presence of both companies. Remedy stands to benefit from financial support and an expanded audience, while Annapurna gains access to highly popular IPs. This partnership could serve as a model for future cross-media ventures, influencing other studios to explore similar strategies. In the short term, we may see increased investment in game development and potential film/TV projects, with long-term effects potentially reshaping the dynamics of the entertainment industry by blurring the boundaries between gaming and traditional media.

Did You Know?

  • Cross-Media Storytelling:
    • This practice involves using multiple platforms and formats to tell a single story, encompassing various media channels such as video games, films, television shows, and digital platforms. The goal is to create a cohesive and immersive experience, expanding the narrative's reach and enhancing audience engagement. In this collaboration, cross-media storytelling will be used to expand the narratives of Control and Alan Wake into film and television, leveraging the strengths of each medium.
  • Audiovisual Licensing Rights:
    • This refers to legal permissions granted to utilize and distribute audio and visual content created by another entity. Annapurna has acquired options for these rights for Control and Alan Wake, potentially enabling the production and distribution of films or TV shows based on these games, while Remedy retains the intellectual property rights.
  • Intellectual Property (IP) Rights Retention:
    • Despite the partnership, Remedy retains full IP rights, allowing them to maintain ownership and control over their original works. This enables them to safeguard the integrity of their creations while benefiting from expansions that can broaden their audience and revenue streams.

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