Tech Exodus: U.S. Jobs Shift to Ireland, Poland, and India Amid Lower Salaries while AI Advances will End the Trend eventually

Tech Exodus: U.S. Jobs Shift to Ireland, Poland, and India Amid Lower Salaries while AI Advances will End the Trend eventually

Jane Park
4 min read

Tech Exodus: The Global Shift of U.S. Tech Jobs to Ireland, Poland, and India

In a transformative move, major U.S. tech companies are increasingly shifting job opportunities overseas, with Ireland, Poland, and India becoming prime destinations. This trend is primarily driven by economic factors, advancements in technology, and strategic business decisions, reflecting a broader reshaping of the global tech workforce.

The exodus of tech jobs from the U.S. has been particularly notable since the economic downturns and fears of recession in recent years. Major tech firms have responded with cost-cutting measures, including layoffs and restructuring, significantly impacting the job market. Companies like Meta, Amazon, and Microsoft have announced significant layoffs, especially in traditional tech roles such as customer service and administrative support.

Several key factors have contributed to this shift:

  1. Economic Pressures: Inflation and economic uncertainty have led to budget cuts and hiring slowdowns.
  2. Global Talent Pool: The rise of remote work has facilitated the hiring of talent from international markets, making countries like Ireland, Poland, and India attractive due to lower wages and a rich talent pool.

This relocation is not just a temporary trend but a strategic realignment, as tech companies seek to balance cost efficiency with access to skilled professionals.

Key Takeaways

  • Cost Efficiency: The average salary for software engineers in countries like India can be up to 85% lower than in the U.S. For instance, U.S.-based engineers earn between $100,000 to $130,000 annually, whereas their counterparts in India earn approximately $15,000 to $30,000. This cost difference is a significant driver for companies relocating jobs.
  • Skilled Talent Availability: Poland, Ireland and India have become hubs for tech talent, with Poland seeing a 13% increase in IT salaries and India boasting a large number of software developers and engineers.
  • Favorable Business Environments: Ireland's favorable tax regime and business support infrastructure have made it a key destination for European headquarters of multinational companies. The easy immigration requirements and relatively lower salary also contributed to the tech job thrive.


As Large Language Models (LLMs) continue to improve at coding, the trend of offshoring tech jobs for cost efficiencies is likely to be increasingly replaced by automation. These advanced AI systems are becoming more adept at handling a wide range of coding tasks, from routine bug fixes to more complex software development. This capability enables companies to automate many aspects of software production that previously required human intervention, thus reducing the need for large offshore teams.

Onshore engineers, whose productivity can be significantly enhanced by AI tools, will become a more attractive option compared to cheaper offshore resources. The integration of AI in the workflow allows onshore teams to accomplish more with fewer people, effectively increasing their output while maintaining higher standards of quality and security. Additionally, having a team located closer to the core operations reduces communication costs, mitigates time zone challenges, and aligns better with organizational culture and regulatory requirements. This proximity can lead to faster decision-making, more efficient project management, and better overall collaboration.

However, the overall trend of diminishing demand for tech talent due to AI is an unavoidable reality. As AI systems become more capable, they will inevitably take over tasks that once required human expertise, leading to a reduced need for certain roles. This shift will likely result in a contraction of job opportunities within specific areas of the tech industry, especially those focused on routine or easily automated tasks. While demand may still grow in specialized and emerging fields, the broad effect of AI will be a decrease in the overall number of tech positions, reshaping the landscape of the industry.

Did You Know?

Poland has seen a significant increase in tech employment, with companies like EPAM employing over 7,000 IT professionals across the country. The nation's tech sector has become a key player in the global market, offering competitive salaries and a range of perks that make it an attractive destination for tech workers.

Meanwhile, Ireland continues to attract tech giants due to its favorable tax policies, skilled workforce and relatively lower labor cost. The country's tech ecosystem is not just limited to large corporations; it also supports a vibrant startup scene, contributing to a dynamic and innovative tech environment.

India remains a dominant force in the global tech industry, particularly in software development and IT services. The country's vast pool of tech professionals and cost advantages continue to make it a primary destination for offshoring.

In conclusion, the global relocation of tech jobs is a multifaceted phenomenon influenced by economic, technological, and strategic factors. While this trend offers significant benefits in terms of cost efficiency and access to global talent, it also presents challenges that companies must navigate carefully. As technology continues to evolve, so too will the strategies companies employ to optimize their workforce.

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