US Warns Russia of Impending Threat: Former CIA Officer Explains 'Duty to Warn'

Luka Petrovsky
1 min read
⚠️ Heads up: this article is from our "experimental era" — a beautiful mess of enthusiasm ✨, caffeine ☕, and user-submitted chaos 🤹. We kept it because it’s part of our journey 🛤️ (and hey, everyone has awkward teenage years 😅).

The US intelligence community invoked the 'duty to warn' protocol to notify Russia of a potential threat before the Crocus City Hall attack. Former CIA officer Laura Thomas explained that this protocol not only aims to save lives but also conveys a message to adversaries. The protocol involves vetting and delivering credible information to prevent loss of innocent lives. Additionally, it aims to communicate threats effectively without endangering sources. The dialogue sheds light on the complexities and implications of the 'duty to warn' requirement, offering insights into the dynamic between intelligence agencies and potential threats. The US embassy in Russia had also issued a warning weeks before the attack, underscoring the efforts made to prevent the tragic events at Crocus City Hall. These disclosures provide a compelling narrative about the intricacies of intelligence operations, demonstrating the extensive measures taken to ensure public safety.

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