Volt Typhoon Leverages ORB Networks for Cyber Evasion
Cyber Threat Actors Evade Detection Using Innovative ORB Networks
Cyber threat actors, such as the group Volt Typhoon, have been found to employ operational relay box (ORB) networks to elude detection. These ORBs, comprising IoT devices, servers, and older routers, enable threat actors to obscure indicators of compromise by cycling their traffic through devices near the target organization. This allows them to blend in with legitimate traffic, posing a significant challenge for defenders.
Key Takeaways
- Recent research highlights the use of ORB networks by persistent threat groups like Volt Typhoon to evade detection.
- ORB networks, consisting of IoT devices, virtual private servers, smart devices, and outdated routers, are complicating attribution and hindering threat detection.
- The evolution of Chinese cyber espionage to using sophisticated ORB networks challenges defenders, obscuring typical indicators of compromise and making it harder to identify and prevent attacks.
The utilization of ORB networks by cyber threat actors presents significant challenges for defenders worldwide. This innovative technique enables threat actors to evade detection by blending in with legitimate traffic and obscuring indicators of compromise, posing increased difficulty in identifying potential breaches or intrusions. This evolution of cyber espionage tactics demands continual development of cybersecurity tools and strategies.
Did You Know?
- Operational Relay Box (ORB) Networks: These complex meshes of interconnected devices, including IoT devices, virtual private servers, smart devices, and outdated routers, are utilized by attackers to obfuscate their activities, complicating attribution.
- Evasion of Detection Using ORB Networks: Persistent threat groups, like Volt Typhoon, are increasingly using ORB networks to evade detection, challenging traditional methods of identifying indicators of compromise and geographical boundaries.
- Cyber Espionage Evolution: Chinese cyber espionage has transitioned from noisy and easily trackable activities to using sophisticated ORB networks, complicating efforts to identify and prevent attacks.